The principal staff of JB Mining Services are geologists who have a solid background in the use and application of computers in the mining industry both in Australia, and internationally. Staff include:

Greg Jones Principal Geologist
B.Sc.(Hons) – Geology, University of Newcastle, NSW (1975)
Member AusIMM 103424 Member AIG 1898
Competent Person Yes

Greg Jones has over 30 years experience in the coal industry. He has worked in a diverse range of activities involving coal exploration in most major coal basins of Australia; geological modelling and resource evaluation of coal deposits in Australia, South Africa, South-East Asia and the USA; computer system analysis; mine site computer facilities management; software design; management; training; marketing; mining and civil volumetric calculations.
Mal Blaik Principal Geologist
B.App Sc.(Hons) Applied Science Geology, University of Queensland, QLD (1979)
Member AusIMM 112631
Competent Person Yes

Mal has over 30 years experience in the coal industry principally in Queensland and New South Wales. Activities include exploration geology, mine geology, modelling and coal resource evaluation. Highlights include mine geologist for the Collinsville Mine for 5 years, Geologist with the Joint Coal Board in NSW and civil volume estimations for the Chep Lap Kok Hong Kong Airport platform.
Phill Sides Senior Geologist
B App Sc. Geology, Canberra CAE ACT (1977)
M Sc. Coal Geology, University of Wollongong, NSW (1991)
Member AIG 2428
Competent Person Yes

Phill Sides has over 30 years experience in the coal industry and is a Senior Geologist. His experience includes coal exploration and evaluation work with Utah Development Company, CSR Limited, Griffin Coal Company and MIM Holdings Limited. Significant minesite experience has been gained at Griffin Coal and Collinsville Coal Company. Phill has been instrumental in bringing Cameby Downs Mine from grass roots to production.
Carol Rolley Senior Geologist
B.Sc Geology, Otago University, New Zealand (1972).
Post-graduate Diploma in Science (geology), Otago University, 1973
Post-graduate Diploma in Natural Resources, Lincoln College, N.Z., 1974
M.Sc. (geology), Otago University, 1980
Member AIG 2366
Competent Person Yes

Carol Rolley has over 30 years experience in coal geology in most coal basins in NSW and Queensland. Carol worked with the NSW Joint Coal Board, Qld Mines Department, New Zealand Commission for the Environment, Southern Pacific Petroleum at the Stuart Oil Shale mine prior to joining JB Mining Services. In the past six years Carol has played a significant role in redeveloping the Meandu deposit.
David Broome Senior Geologist
B App Sc. Geology, Canberra CAE ACT (1976)
Graduate Certificate in Administration, University of Southern Queensland (1996)
Member AIG 1407
Competent Person Yes

David Broome has over 30 years experience in coal exploration in Australia and South-East Asia while working with Utah Development Company, Arco, Mobil Alternative Energy Inc, the Swabara Group and BHP Billiton. Prior to joining JB Mining Services, he has undertaken computer modelling for the Swabara Group and Arco, and completed the VULCAN modelling of the Foxleigh Deposit for CAML Resources Pty Ltd. From 2007 to 2009 David worked for BHP Billiton as Operations Manager on the Indomet Coal Project assessing the resource potential of a large area in Central Borneo.
JL Young Consultant
B.Sc.(Hons) , Griffith University (1996)
JL Young joined JB Mining Services in 2007. JL has a degree in science and has developed advanced modelling skills in both VULCAN and MINESCAPE working on Meandu, Sonoma, Wilkie Creek, Ferndale, West Rolleston and many other coal deposits.